3uTools Download

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3uTools download Free For Windows PC, Mac, iOS, iPhone, and iPad

3uTools Download – Download 3uTools, the efficient iOS data and files management freeware app, to your PC. With this app, you can easily manage the files on your iOS device using a USB cable.

3utools download

It will make you easy to manage apps, photos, music, ringtones, videos, and other multimedia files, tutorials, data, and other files on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

3u Tools download process is very easy and It will let you fully view your device’s different statuses, including activation, jailbreak, battery, and iCloud lock statuses and detailed information of your iOS device during the operation.

3uTools Download File Info

SupportWindows, MacOS, iOS
Latest Version for Windowsv3.20 / 184 MB
Latest Version for Macv3.12 / 213MB
Updated2025 Jan. 06

3uTools Download Windows / Mac / iOS

Download for Windows

x64 Download ( 64bit )

x86 Download ( 32bit )

Download for MacOS

Install for iOS

3uTools Main Features

3utools main features

The Most Efficient iOS Files and Data Management app

3uTools make you easy to manage apps, games, photos, music, ringtones, videos, and other multimedia files, tutorials, data, and other files including activation, jailbreak, battery, and iCloud lock status on your iPhone and iPad.

All-in-one iOS Helper Brings Useful, Delightful Features

3u Tools are equipped with the auto-matching ability on firmware for iOS Devices. It supports iOS flash in normal mode, DFU mode, and recovery mode. Amazing one-click jailbreak makes the jailbreak process so simple and easy. More advanced features, including SHSH backup, baseband upgrade/downgrade. [kkstarratings]

It also has a collection of features for iOS users such as data backup, ringtone makes, video convert, photo compress, real-time screen, real-time log, invalid icon delete, garbage clean, data migrate,  and  SSH open.
Get the latest version of 3uTools totally free from here.

Download 3uTools for Windows 11

Click the above 3uTools Windows Download button, Get the latest 3uTools Windows 11 64 bit version for free.

3uTools Download for Windows 10 / 10.1

3uTools download for windows 10 and 10.1 running pc from here. 3utools compatible with windows 64-bit versions. Install 3utools latest version free on windows 10 pc.

3uTools Download for Windows 8

3uTools download for windows 8 version running desktop and Laptop devices, Run 3uTools windows 8 version on your PC, Connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, Install your favorite apps and games from here.

3uTools Download for Windows 7

3uTools is compatible with windows 7 64 bit version. Most people still use Windows 7 OS, It still working nicely with the latest windows apps and it updates. 3utools download for windows 7 latest version free from here and install your favorite iOS apps and games on your iOS devices from here.

3uTools Mac Download for Free

3uTools compatible with mac pc. you can download 3utools for mac device and install ios apps easily and jailbreak it easily. Install it from here and get it all features free.

3uTools Jailbreak – Jailbreak your iPhone and iPad

3uTools is the most popular and safe AppStore , you can get the latest jailbreak apps free from here. unc0ver is the most popular jailbreak app today. unc0ver jailbreak for iPhone, iPhone 11, iPhone 12 get it from here. you can jailbreak ios 13, jailbreak ios 14 versions running iPhone and iPad devices from here.

3uTools other Features

3utools features
  • Apps, ringtones, and wallpapers can be downloaded easily through 3uTools to your iOS device.
  • 3u Tools is equipped with amazing features: A rapid download speed for any official iOS firmware versions; A powerful cloud storage for backing up SHSH; Can jailbreak most iOS devices; Use iTunes to backup your important data before jailbreak etc.
  • It is also equipped with a tiny umbrella which helps to restore your iPhone firmware; i4Tools which helps to synchronize data between your PC and iOS device; ReiBOOT which performs a recovery mode reset of iDevices; Appcola software which helps to download apps iOS devices and redsnOw which helps to jailbreak your iPad,iPhone or iPod.
  • It brings you a collection of amazing and delightful features all in one app. 3utools let you: backup and restore files on your iOS device; clean unnecessary apps and files on your iOS device; convert videos or audios to suit your iOS device; make ring tong to your choice; modify audio; compress photos to save space and migrate data between two iOS devices.
  • It is capable of Auto-matching the available firmware for iOS Devices. It supports iOS flash in normal mode, DFU mode as well as in recovery mode.
  • It is supplied with a one-click jailbreak feature which makes the jailbreak process so simple and easy for you.
  • It is also comprised of some more advanced features such as including SHSH backup, baseband upgrade or downgrade, etc.

3uTools FAQ (frequently asked questions)

How to use 3utools for my iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch ?

  • First, download 3uTools latest setup file on your Windows PC from the above link.
  • Install downloaded 3utools Exe file on your Windows PC and run it.
  • Connect your iOS device to the Windows PC via USB cable.
  • It will detect automatically from 3utools.
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